Monday, September 7, 2009

Guidance of a Master

"Now then, you of noble mind, who love this profession, come at once to art and accept these precepts: enthusiasm (love), reverence, obedience, and perseverance. As soon as you can, place yourself under the guidance of a master, and remain with him as long as possible."
~ Cennino Cennini (c. 1365-c.1440)

Cennini understood the importance of the virtues taking root in the soul of an artist. He also understood that art was a process with the need for a master to guide the development of the craft.

I have been fortunate to receive such guidance and instruction under a master painter and independent art historian, Carol Martinelle, who has been guiding me through the free hand drawing approach (an earlier philosophy than the Atelier/Academy-training from the 1700's). Under her tutelage, I have been studying Rembrandt, Ruebens, Da Vinci, Art & Society in the 16th century, mediums, materials and methods from the Renaissance period to the mid 1600's, etc. She has spent nearly 40 years researching, experimenting, and developing her painting knowledge and technique. Through her dilligence, she now embodies and employs the philosophies and theories developed by the Old Masters.

I am so grateful for the knowledge and passion she imparts to me. Here are some of my recent works which I hope reflect, in part, both that gratitude to Carol Martinelle's devotion and those masters that went before...

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